Book the finest HipHop and R&B DJs without paying any exorbitant agency fees. Cut out the middlemen and connect directly with DJs through our platform. Select the DJ of your choice, visit his/her MemberPage and get all the important informations you need ! Here You will find a regulary updated fine selection of reputable and professional HipHop R&B DJs. Stop by from time to time and let our suggestions inspire you !
Our weekly Suggestions
Just use the “Direct Booking”-Buttons at the DJ-League Memberpages, get in contact with the deejays directly, and save outragous Agency Fees !

You can also select Your DJ by checking the following categories, such as BAr, Battle, Club, Festival, Mixtape, Mobile, Radio oder Video. We are sure, that You will find the right DJ for Your wishes and needs. But please remember, that the DJ-League is not a booking agency. So please get in contact with the DJs directly.